"Per aspera ad astra"


Nosotros No somos "roscas"

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011


FACTOREO con Andres Robalino from Karol Andino on Vimeo.


1 comentario:

  1. Please for humanity's sake please do it once
    I have made a blog at blogger.com Since i have added a google adsense in the blog but haven't made a penny with this. I need your help and support to help PAY MY Tuition Fees. I need your only 3 to 5 minutes approximately

    What you have to do is
    1.go to Google.com and search "Kwotz-Golden Words of Life"
    2.then visit my blog from the the search results.
    3.Remain on the page i.e Kwotz for one minute or so and do some random surfing
    4. click ONE of the ads that appeals to you from ADBoxes and visit there.
    5.remain on that page for one minute or so and do some random surfing.
    and that's it.

    NOTE:DO NOT visit the blog directly. Visit through Google . Only ONE click is needed.
    I will be grateful to you.
    May God Bless You.


¿Estás de acuerdo a que a los estudiantes del Mejía se les llame roscas?

¿Estás de acuerdo en que sean sancionados los estudiantes de colegios que realicen protestas?

Estás de acuerdo con el proyecto de convertir al Instituto Nacional Mejía en un colegio de educación mixta ?

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